Whether you’re looking to purchase or refinance that your dream home, with our array of residential loan programs, Financial Capital Group can help you to find the suitable financial solution. Come to us today and let’s advise you on the right loan program for your particular situation as well as walk you through the entire process from inception to close. Click on each loan program to see what we have in stock for you!
Loan Programs:
- Conventional – At Financial Capital Group, our goal is to make your home buying journey less of a hassle. Hence, we offer flexible conventional loan that connects you to your dreams effortlessly. We are destiny helper; we can help you own your home!
- Federal Housing Administration (FHA) – If you’re not properly guided, getting approval for your FHA financing might seem like a complex process. At Financial Capital Group, our team of dedicated professionals will make obtaining your FHA loan effortless!
- Jumbo/High Balance – Don’t allow “conforming loan limit” to chase you away from your dream. At Financial Capital Group, we are open to discussions in case you’re shopping for large sum to finance your real estate investments. Sure, our Jumbo Mortgage Program will come handy for you!
- Veterans’ Administration (VA) – Are you a Veteran or a Service Member looking to own your dream home? Are you thinking of leveraging your veteran loan benefits to buy your dream home? If your answers to these questions are yes, Financial Capital Group has all the solutions. Our highly motivated team of mortgage advisors will walk you through the entire process so you can maximize your benefits.
- United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) – Are planning to buy a home in the countryside? Do you need a comprehensive guide on how to secure a USDA loan? Financial Capital Group can come handy for you. We can help your dream come true through our USDA loan program.
Our Residential Loan Officers work with you to determine the most appropriate type of mortgage. We walk you through the application process and answer any questions you may have. Our rates are competitive and our personal service can't be beat.
What documents will I need to apply?
Your social security card
Current valid ID
Income documentation:
- - Pay stubs for last two months
- - UpdateW2s and/or 1099 forms for the past two years
- - Last two years of federal tax returns (all pages)
- - Last two months of bank statements (all pages)
- - Last two months of statements or quarter statements of assets
Information on current debt, including car loans, student loans, and credit cards